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There are currently around 5 million entrepreneurs and business owners in the UK alone and an impressive 1.4 million couples run a business together.  We find this staggering and equally inspiring & motivating.  

The impact of people-focused organisations is huge.

When you prioritise people, allowing them a sense of fulfilment beyond getting paid, they work happier and smarter. 

We take a deep dive into the qualities that make people trustworthy.

You may like to explore these ideas by yourself or with your colleagues.

Quality communication is key to effectiveness.

A deeper interpersonal connection is needed, beyond simply the team’s goal.

In this article you will learn practical steps to being more playful in your work and life, the incredible benefits of adopting a playful mindset at work and why ‘playfulness’ goes way way further than mindfulness.

Wholehearted AF
22 Windsor Court
Victoria Terrace
Clifton, Bristol

Wholehearted Solutions LTD is a company registered in England & Wales.

Company number: 14901359
Wholehearted AF © 2024. All Rights Reserved.

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