One-to-One Coaching

Know, celebrate & deliver your gifts.
Shine your way unapologetically.
Transform your inner world.

Does this sound like you?

Life is kind of just happening to you.

You wake up and reluctantly roll out of bed getting ready for a job that doesn't completely light you up.

You recognise that you have some addictive behaviours that ultimately aren't good for you and you want to change them.

You feel like you have lost a part of yourself and you yearn for a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you.

You recognise some of your gifts and have an idea of what you most want to do in life but you have ingrained stories such as; “I'm not good enough”, "It probably won't work" or "I don't know what the f#!k I'm doing" so you remain stuck and unmotivated.

You struggle to understand and express your emotions in a healthy way and are often overwhelmed.

In many ways, you are living someone else's life, perhaps what your parents expected of you or what the education system or society imposed on you. You want to live more of what's really important to you at your core and what most brings you joy.

You attract relationships that end up keeping you feeling stuck, insecure, unseen and unheard.

You've read some personal development books, listened to some podcasts and you even follow a few inspirational accounts on social media to help change your mindset, but you keep going back to self-sabotaging patterns.

Even though part of you is scared - your small story, a bigger part of you is ready to GROW, EVOLVE & SHOW UP for yourself like never before!

If you're ready to move beyond disconnection, overwhelm, money problems, poor communication, codependency, low self worth, self-sabotage, attracting toxic relationships and much more, then you are ready for this 1:1 Wholehearted AF Journey.

Our current  behaviours  are a response to our  feelings 

Our  feelings  are an outcome of our  thoughts 

Our  thoughts  are developed over time from our  life experiences 

With  awareness, reflection & practice  we can transform our thoughts and as a result,  transform our lives  for the better
I am here to guide you to do this and to become fully in the driving seat of your own life.

You have the power to be all that you want to be.  Wholeheartedly 

You've got this and I've got you!

Hi, I'm Amy, and I am the Founder and Head Coach at Wholehearted AF Coaching, Training & Leadership.

I support you to live with your whole heart in all areas of your life from creating and growing your business, overcoming money blocks, expressing your unique creativity, transforming lack mentality into an abundance mindset, attracting enriching relationships, playing and resting guilt free, and so much more.

I’m here, in service, holding loving awareness offering you next level guidance, support and epic coaching tools so you can know, love and accept yourself wholeheartedly because #justsaying you utterly deserve to!

I offer reflections as you discover the parts within yourself that need to be seen, voiced, heard and feel safe.

It is most often your 'small story' standing in your way of living a wonderful and extraordinary life.

Together, we will transform your internal story. Your identity and limitations will shift for the better releasing the conditions that have stifled and suppressed you ensuring you grow further and into a thriving life.

This is about becoming unapologetically YOU. Playing the game of life by your rules, your way.

"When we are looking for compassion, we need someone who is deeply rooted, is able to bend and, most of all, embraces us for our strengths and our struggles."


Wholehearted AF
22 Windsor Court
Victoria Terrace
Clifton, Bristol

Wholehearted Solutions LTD is a company registered in England & Wales.

Company number: 14901359
Wholehearted AF © 2025. All Rights Reserved.

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